If you are preparing your trip to Rajasthan or another part of the country, you will find out that there are many drivers in India offering their services for a tour. Unfortunately you may find out on travel blogs or other sites, that previous travellers have sometimes experienced questionable behaviour from their indian driver. Not all drivers in India follow strict customer guidelines such as we do at Drivers-India. We regularly train our indian drivers to western standards, and this training results in the signing of a driver's quality charter.

This charter is a commitment from all our indian drivers to comply with the strict quality requirements we have set. Those standards typically include the driver's commitment not to take you to any place you have not asked for (like shops, restaurants or others), to drive safely and in courteous manner, to on time for all your pick ups, not to smoke, and many more. If you wish to see a copy of our Driver's charter, we will be very happy to send it to you. Our priority is that all our driver in India please you in a honest and transparent way.

Driver India